
The aim of this website is not just bond to the Grouh related activates but also to awake the Muslims against those who are expanding their evil thoughts, practices and working against Muslim (shia community) round the Globe and destroying the Holy Shrines.

We also strongly condemn those who give Fake or Wrong Fatwa (statements /Articles) against Mourning and Self-Flagellation.

Those who deem the act of self-harm to be batil should look at the bloodletting actions of Prophets and their Companions. If Prophets and the other companions can do this why cannot the Shi’a when mourning for their Infallibles?


Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur’an

YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things. From Surah Nisa 004.148



Mourning and shedding blood is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as)


“Adam was so distressed that he smashed his hands onto his knees and the skin from his hands caused gashes from which bone could be seen”. From Ma’arij al Nubuwwah, Chapter 1 page 248

Those who deem the act of self-harm to be batil should look at the bloodletting actions of Adam (as). If Adam (as) can do this why cannot the Shi’a when mourning for Imam Husayn (as)?


Mourning by So called Sahaba of Prophet(pbuh)


When Omar heard of Nu’man ibn Muqran’s death he beat his head and screamed, “O what a pity that Nu’man died”. From Kanz al Ummal, Vol.8, Page 117, Kitab al Maut

When Umar mourns the death of his friend in such a way, the descendents of Mu’awiya remain silent, but if the Shi’a mourn Imam Husayn (as) through such an act they are deemed Kaffirs. If Nasibis wish to accuse us of introducing Bidah into the religion then they should know that Umar introduced this long before the Rafidis! If such acts of hitting oneself and extreme wailing are prohibited then what was your Khalifa indulging in this act for?


Examples of self-beating in the Bible

“On that Day the Lords called for weeping and beating the breast, shaving the head and putting on sack cloth” The Bible, Isaiah 22:12
“You are now at ease, be anxious; tremble, you who have no cares. Strip yourselves bare; put a cloth round your waists and beat yourselves” The Bible, Isaiah 32:11